Monday, April 7, 2014

*Free Bird*

Good News: I am on Spring Break! (Major fist pump.)

I feel like a free bird. I feel like I have lost 50 lbs. I have carried so much stress and worry for so long (read blog below). And now, I get a week to rejuvenate. It feels good. It feels really, really good. I actually slept in, read what I wanted to read, ate meals with Cars between his classes, cleaned, went on a run to one of my favorite spots in Provo [in the beautiful sunshine], and made homemade bread w/ my sweet friend. Get this...I even went on Pinterest and started creating projects that I wanted to do. I went to the craft store--> made it happen. (I can't wait to put them up on our book shelves/walls in the new place in 3 weeks.) 

Today, I reflected on how my life has changed over the past 5 few years that I have been in Provo.  I am grateful. I am grateful Carson is my husband. I am grateful for TWO loving, supportive families in my life. I am grateful for sunshine and nature. I am grateful for a college degree and a job I feel fulfillment and purpose. I am grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Over the weekend, we went home to spend time with our families and to listen to General Conference. It was beyond perfect. I soaked it up like a dried-up sponge. I felt I was going to explode of happiness--it was just what I needed, the basics that I had been longing for.

Painting nails, eating yummy smoked salmon, visiting grandparents, going out to dinner, watching conference, "ooed and awed" at my sister and sister-in-laws' prom dresses, movies....There was one moment, when I was squished on the couch downstairs with my sisters and my mom. All of us. Together. Tears were streaming down our faces-->we were laughing so hard. I thought my heart might burst. I am grateful.

"The spirit of gratitude brings true joy and great happiness." -Dieter F Uchtdorf

^^ Did I mention that we have been catching up on months of lost sleep? 
Makell was sneeky and snapped a pic from yesterday. 

What are you grateful for today? 


  1. Ratch, I'm so glad that you're getting through all this. Seriously, it's so great. I love the map project, it's adorable. And I'm so proud of the great teacher that you are.

    1. Jess, you rock! Thank you for your sweet words. Love you. P.S. this will be you next year! :) xoxo
