* BBQ covered fingers and belly aching laughter @ AppleBees.
* A phone call that landed me a teaching interview next week w/ a principal at a local high school. Yay for growing up!
* Watching this beautiful message for part of our family night.
* Sunshine today.
* Effortlessly belting a high B flat in my classical-legit song. makes for one happy voice teacher.
* Living on gift cards.
* History lessons and inspirational leadership classes. Love them.
* Friendly Neighbors.
* A supportive family friend name Troy Goulding.
* Going to the gym w/ my bestie, womb-mate Chels and accidentally running a 6:12 mile. (I was in desperate need of exercise.)
* Listening to this
* Riding the front runner to SLC to meet the Garrett Family. We saw...The Hanging of El Bandito. Hilarious play. Talented cast. Crazy Accents. Witty humor.
* Jokes on them, they thought I would leave wanting more. Well I have probably seen it three times now. I am nearly positive I am married to El Bandito's understudy. Cars has not stopped talking in hilariously rich accents AND he has the entire script memorized. Honey, if starting your own business, traveling the world, and living your dream doesn't work out for you, I am sure Pickleville Playhouse will cast you as the next El Bandito. You would be perfect. (Makell, Cars's little sis, is similarly uber talented when it comes to memorization and impersonations. Hilarious Duo.)
* Getting Carson's BYU transfer application done.
* Rode the UTA w/ Nate Tanner.
* Cars and I "accidentally" missing our 8am classes to catch up on sleep.
* Jessica is going to have her baby ANY day now!
* Hearing about my mom's training in Cali.
*** Meanwhile, my own flesh and blood is riding camels in Jordan and exploring the beauty of Petra.

* Watching this beautiful message for part of our family night.
* Sunshine today.
* Effortlessly belting a high B flat in my classical-legit song. makes for one happy voice teacher.
* Living on gift cards.
* History lessons and inspirational leadership classes. Love them.
* Friendly Neighbors.
* A supportive family friend name Troy Goulding.
* Going to the gym w/ my bestie, womb-mate Chels and accidentally running a 6:12 mile. (I was in desperate need of exercise.)
* Listening to this
* Riding the front runner to SLC to meet the Garrett Family. We saw...The Hanging of El Bandito. Hilarious play. Talented cast. Crazy Accents. Witty humor.
* Jokes on them, they thought I would leave wanting more. Well I have probably seen it three times now. I am nearly positive I am married to El Bandito's understudy. Cars has not stopped talking in hilariously rich accents AND he has the entire script memorized. Honey, if starting your own business, traveling the world, and living your dream doesn't work out for you, I am sure Pickleville Playhouse will cast you as the next El Bandito. You would be perfect. (Makell, Cars's little sis, is similarly uber talented when it comes to memorization and impersonations. Hilarious Duo.)
* Getting Carson's BYU transfer application done.
* Rode the UTA w/ Nate Tanner.
* Cars and I "accidentally" missing our 8am classes to catch up on sleep.
* Jessica is going to have her baby ANY day now!
* Hearing about my mom's training in Cali.
*** Meanwhile, my own flesh and blood is riding camels in Jordan and exploring the beauty of Petra.
Check it out HERE.
What are your weekly delights--big or small?
Ah! Mi familia! So good to see ALL of you. Glad you guys are doing well. Keep us posted on school and job stuff. So exciting!!