^^Finn's First Fall
^^Finn playing with Chelsea @ Dad's house on the 4th of July!
Finn, you LOVE water!!!
Bath time is play time!!!
This is one of the first times Finn took a few steps all by himself. It was after a day of traveling back from Alaska in the airport...we were all tired but not Finn, Finn is ALWAYS happy. Not to mention, he started walking at 9 months old! --> Finn, you are a champion. You are so developmentally advanced; you certainly keeps us on our toes!
Finn, you are curious about everything and are quick...once you see something, you immediately try it yourself!
I love the bed head look! :) You are adamant about feeding yourself these days!
I cannot get over how much I love this little face!
You love to suck on your pointer finger. Also, your big blue eyes are a dream!
You love to be outside. We go on walks all of the time. You prefer to up high, carried in this carrier/by us so you can see everything around you.
You LOVE books. It is so fun to read with you.
Here you are reading with Grandma Garrett. She is so good to you, Finn!
One night, after a rough day of teething, Dad and I tried so hard to get you to go to sleep...finally Dad picked you up to bounce you (the only method that got you to sleep your first few months). Soon, I found you two like this ^^ and my momma heart just about burst! I love you two!!!
You love Grandpa Joe. He took us all to Arizona one weekend to visit his family...and EVERYONE loved you.
We went to the zoo at 7am...it gets pretty hot in Mesa these summer days! woof. This was your first time to the zoo and you LOVED the animals. It was so fun watching you soaking in the entire experience (pun intended :)... I sure had a blast being with my cousins.
We went swimming in the Jackson's neighbors backyard.
Here you are with Grandma Jackson. She could not get over how bright and happy you are. She kept telling people how good natured and smart you are. It was so fun for me to be able to take you to a place that is near and dear to MY childhood.
I already miss this gummy smile...but your new teeth are pretty dang cute.
We love you, Finn James Garrett!