Thursday, July 9, 2015

We Moved!

So much has happened. 
We moved. It took two days, nonetheless. With the help of family, we cranked it out! (p.s. thank you, again!)
We moved to a bigger place for Baby Garrett-same rent, just down the street. (HUGE BLESSING!)
Growing up, my family moved all of the time.  The longest we lived anywhere was 4-5 years. I am a person that loves good change! Is it just me or does it feel SO nice to go through your belongings--discard the unnecessary--and organize the rest? I have gone to work decorating and making it feel more like a home! Baby Garrett is always on my mind. Everything I do is centered on these two guys in my life...Would this be best for Baby Garrett, Carson in this situation? or that?

We wake up seeing the sun peaking over the mountains and the brilliant colors seeping into our room. It is possibly my favorite thing about this place....oh aside from the Baby's room!! Decorating his room is going to be a highlight of the summer. My heart gets excited every time I walk by...It just gets more real each day that our lives are going to change in the best way possible. 

Come visit, will ya? 
We can eat fruit popsicles on the swing outside! 

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more with the change of moving!! It does feel SO nice going through belongings and discarding and organizing! We would LOVE to come visit!!! We have pretty flexible schedules. Let me know when a good time is for you two! :)
