Saturday, June 15, 2013


the morning started off with attending the Kelly & Micheal Show! if you saw it that morning...we were totally on the audience of course. we laughed at Andy Sanberg's humor and loved Kelly's wit. 

the rest of the day was filled with sight seeing, shopping, a random dance sesh in the fountains, and we finished the day sitting front row @ a broadway show. 
hahaha sometimes you just have to dance like you just don't care! ( i love this of mom ^^)
(could our grandma be any more fun?! ^^)
we ended the evening at a Broadway Show! i LOVE Broadway shows. 
we saw Cinderella. it was fantastic! the vocals, costume changes, characters, music, it was perfection. 
we sat front row. literally, we could see the actors' spit and the entire pit of the orchestra. Chelsea could've hugged the conductor if she wanted to! i had never seen a show from that angle but wow did it make for an amazing experience. we left singing and dancing all night! I can be whatever I want to be!

i got busted for taking out the camera, so this is all i got..the set!

not to mention our nightly fashion shows, Bachelorette night, and sneaking up to get milk and cookies from the Marriott Medallion Member room thing...thank you Grandma!

I sure do love these women!

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