Tuesday, May 14, 2013


"The world is but a canvas to our imagination."-Thoreau 

Here are a few snapshots taken on Mother's Day:

Last week, I was admitted into BYU's photography class. I left my first day of class ecstatic. I have lugged around my (mom's) camera (safely nestled inside a large bag), everywhere. My mind is constantly & actively seeking out the "next best picture." I have quickly realized that I have a long way to go--> but it has been fun, pushing myself to see the world in a new light, understanding new technicalities, capturing the simple beauties of life, and letting my creativity take over.

This week our assignment involved experimenting with the depth of field, aperture, f-stop, ISO, and all of the other basic fundamentals, while communicating motion. I spent hours this morning in the lab playing around with Light Room and other editing programs, editing hundreds of photos. Hours passed away like minutes. 

You owe it to yourself to try something knew, just because. 
at times, it can be difficult taking a leap, trying something new, or stepping outside of a comfort zone. and sometimes we may fail before we will succeed but that should not stop us. I have discovered that in those little moments, come some of the GREATEST growth and opportunity. 

keep it up, brave ones! 

(thank you to my cute family for being so great to photograph)


  1. Oh this makes me miss home so much. Great photos Rach. I'm so proud of you!

  2. You need to teach me.

  3. Rachel, your photo's are SO beautiful! I'm jealous you are taking a photography class, that's so great! And I just have to through out there that Cars is going to be the cutest dad when it comes time! ;)
