I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead and some from behind.
But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me.
-Dr. Seuss
Breast Cancer hits home with our family and many of the families at Beneficial International. Instead of running in SLC this last year, Beneficial participated in Susan G. Komen's RAFT for the Cure to raise money and awareness for breast cancer. It was held in Moab, Utah. I am so grateful we had this opportunity, it is an experience I will never forget. We were surrounded by beautiful people supporting a beautiful cause.
The landscape was gorgeous, the company was pumped, and the rafting was exhilarating.
The day was filled with so much joy and love!
We did engage in a few water fights...aka we were (rightfully) the target of all other rafts and often thrown in the river by outsiders.
How can one expect us to not use this monster squirt gun on a hot day in Moab? :) It was a riot.
Can you guess who was the lead provoker?
The crew. What a sight.

All pictures through Raft for the Cure
You may be wondering, why the random post? Well,
our pictures were featured in Raft for the Cure's Newest Video:
our pictures were featured in Raft for the Cure's Newest Video:
For more information: Click Here.
My Favorite Breast Cancer Song: Click Here. ;)
To all those you have been affected by breast cancer, whether personally or by association, you are a hero and an inspiration. Keep fighting.
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