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I will back up.
On Tuesday, I had six interviews with principals from all over Utah County. I skipped my classes and drove to Orem High School.
I checked in and took a seat in one of the rows of chairs where other competitors (recent/potential graduates) were sitting. These were all well-qualified applicants looking for intern/teaching positions. Utah County is one of the most competitive areas in the country to get an internship and a teaching job. (High Supply, Low Demand=Lower pay, Less opportunity). People were nervously chattering and scoping out the competition. A lot of futures were on the line and many families were relying on this to be their source of income. Ahead of us were over a dozen round tables with principals from nearly every secondary school in Utah County. These principals were looking to hire as soon as possible. Competition existed between the schools and the applicants.
One by one, the principals would come to the front and call an applicant's name to interview. Each interview lasted 10-15 minutes. (aka we had 10 minutes to show our potential employer why we are the one they are looking for!) Every 20 minutes I was meeting with a different principal.
The Lord helped me tremendously. I was calm, confident, and excited. I was able to articulate my words and effectively answer questions under pressure. My Dad helped me organize my accomplishments into a rockin-resume.
I came to find out that most of the schools were junior highs. For some reason, high school was more my style. (Many of you may be thinking, why would you do either? look below. ). To my dismay, I discovered there was only ONE HIGH SCHOOL hiring. [Another is debating about hiring (the one I interviewed with last week).] Many applicants were trying to convince me that Junior High was where it was at because the odds were slim to none to do high school. I was very impressed with the Junior High faculty--nearly convinced.
At 5:00pm, the Lehi High School assistant principal called out my name. I answered every question to the best of my ability. I didn't particularly feel it was my strongest interview and I recall thinking--oh no, I lost this one. Right then, he paused and said, "I don't know if I am allowed to do this right now but...I want to offer you the job; you are what we are looking for...." he continued to go on telling me various opportunities--assisting COACHING TRACK & VBALL, teaching AMERICAN HISTORY (one of my favorite subjects) and a government class. He continued to inform me that they could keep me on after my internship as well, if I so desired. (WHAT?!!!) After picking my jaw off the floor (He still had to interview for two more hours, how was he doing this?), I told him I needed to think about it.
That night, the reality started to hit me:
This next year, if I decide to take the job, will be REALLY DEMANDING. I don’t know if I want this or am ready. I am being thrown into the fire with my own classroom full of teenagers who are not much younger than I am. I do not shudder with fear but it is a little nerve racking not
knowing the unexpected. For goodness sakes, I look like one of their peers!!!!! I still feel like all of my dreams are ahead of me. I always want to do more and be more. How do I know I am
doing and being the right thing?
How is time flying so quickly? Wasn’t it just
yesterday, I was running around as an abnormally social freshman? Now look at
me, I am married, about to finish my college career, and hired to start my own career. A part of me wants to enjoy classes, attend the Jerusalem study abroad again, and be in my early 20’s
forever. I usually do very nicely with change but this one is not sitting as
well. I do not want to separate from everything I have known for so
many years and yet I am doing it all within months.
The next morning, right after my 8am class, the principals started making their calls. It was like a game of risk. If you said "No" then they would quickly call their next choice. Decisions had to be made. My top two schools called me INSTANTLY (at the same time) and offered me a job. I called Carson after each phone call. I was very grateful for the offers but I am too much of a maximizer to enjoy decision making. Deep down, I knew what I wanted. I told Lehi High School that I wanted in.
And just like that,
I joined the ranks as one of Utah Counties newest and youngest high school teachers.
THREE days ago, I had no idea what I was going to do AND NOW I have a job and a plan. This job will allow Carson to get through school without having to continue working like a mad-man on top of it. It will be a great blessing for our little family.
The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity.
Ayn Rand
For me, this job is one of those rungs of opportunity--I am still nervous but I feel at peace. I have to remind myself that I was prepared by some of the best for this job. I am very passionate and fully capable. I will make mistakes but that is how we learn. I never planned on teaching but for some reason, I was drawn here. I need to be here at this time. I have no idea how long I will be doing this or where I will be in a few years but there are some special people I need to meet and things I need to do. I am excited to use my creativity and love for learning to help others achieve their dreams. Education opens up doors to possibilities. Most importantly, I am excited to love the students. And although I will be: leading my own classroom, responsible for the education of hundreds of students, and will have no life for the next year---I can do hard things. The students don't know it yet but they are relying on me to not give up on them.
I have never seen Lehi High School but Google says this is it!
What are the next "rungs of opportunity" on your ladder?
Congratulations Rachel!!! That is SO exciting!! What a blessing. I'm so not surprised all the schools offered the positions to you. You will be awesome!
ReplyDeleteCasie, you are so sweet!!! Thank you for you kind words and support! We (Cars and I) want to see you and Chris soon! We need more married friends to do things with!!! I hope all is well with you two.
ReplyDeleteRach this made me tear up! The Lord truly does have a plan doesn't He? That's so exciting, you will be AMAZING!!
ReplyDeleteRach I'm so stoked for you! :) Gosh, wish you were MY high school teacher!! LHS is a lucky school and those are some lucky kids. You're going to kill it. Congrats!! :)
ReplyDeleteRACH! That's AWESOME! Congrats, I am so proud of you! Crazy to think about things like this when I feel like I can just barely glance over my shoulder at our precious carefree days in Wyview. How exciting! You are gonna rock it!