Sunday, January 20, 2013

Weekly Treasures

this week's treasures(in no particular order):

*Tuesday Bachelor Tradition.
Good food. Good company. Good entertainment.
*Late-night talks.
*Gospel insights. Learning=power.
*Building biceps @ Gold’s.
*My Singing Love Bird. Carson stayed up late one night singing with me. We laid on our bed and sang together. I LOVED every second.
My voice teacher wants me to compete in a singing competition. Carson, being the supportive sweetheart that he is, is helping me prepare.
*Falling asleep snuggling 
*Our ”one more minute” philosophy.
Staying in our warm bed as long as we can before running out of the door for 8 am classes
*watching Eliza "kill" it in her vball tournament.Her team took first in her division.
*Modern Family on HULU.
*Waking up to Carson’s sweet smile and infectious humor.
*Car concerts.
*Feeling SOOOO much love my heart nearly bursts.
*'Grease Ball' Days. Some days a braid or a hat is all we have time for.
*we made up for it @ our haircut date. we are lookin’ fab.
*Clean laundry.
*Great professors
*Spending Friday night with my womb-mate. The first time we have had a typical 6-hour twin night since the wedding. Felt so good.
*Reading Hannie’s Blog.
*Laughing hard during a Jackson family game of Guesstures.
*Bonding with parts of the 'nucleus'
*Receiving a letter in the mail.


  1. Replies
    1. I love that you are so supportive and excited for others, including me. You are such a great friend, thank you!

  2. Is being married not the greatest thing in the world? Falling asleep and waking up together are definitely at the top of my list too.

    1. Jessica, I love you. I greatly cherish our friendship. Thank you for your support! How is your cute little family? Your sweet baby is going to be in your arms so soon!
